FINDER’S 14 Series STAIRCASE TIMERS enable you to control the staircase lighting in houses, apartment blocks, public buildings and offices.
With up to 8 timing functions (according to Type), Finder’s staircase timers can be configured according to specific requirements.
Settings include: “staircase cleaning” to keep the lights on during cleaning or the “early warning” function causing a light to blink indicating imminent switch-Off, giving you the opportunity of extending the lighting time.
Proper staircase lighting is essential for your convenience and, above all, for your safety. The early warning function ensures that lights are On for as long as needed.
Finder staircase timers are manufactured in Italy and tested up to 4 times before being distributed into the market.
8 settings to choose from and an array of configuration options ensure that these timers are suitable for any staircase lighting control application.